ATWI 2019: Tuition

Tuition for this 3-session course: $6,300

Complete payment is due no later than December 15, 2018. 

A word about tuition.
This is the cost for all three sessions. It is not divided equally between sessions or locations. It is a complete program charge. Each session has unique expenses that can include lodging, food, studio rentals, guest artist fees, ground transportation, concert space rental, marketing, Rhiannon's artist fee and more. Rhiannon pays in advance (often more than a year in advance) to secure the necessary pieces for this year long program. Should a medical or family emergency impact a singer's participation Rhiannon will invite that singer to join ATWI the next year. Note: There is a $250 optional surcharge for a private room in Hawaii only (in Perugia we have shared rooms for all singers).

No refunds are given. 
All singers must have copies of Vocal River & Flight, and be familiar with Rhiannon's approach to vocal improvisation
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Tuition is based on shared rooms. 

I love Rhiannon. She's a fabulous artist and teacher. I love her depth, humor, directness, artistry, spirituality, awareness of earthly matters. What an inspiration! Her feedback was so profound and moving. She deeply cares about each singer. No ego whatsoever. Beautiful how she lets each one blossom from where they're at. This work is so welcome in my life. Such new territory; such a long forgotten dream. I so love ATWI. My guard is slowly coming down. Thank you!  
Marion van Namen, Portland, ATWI 2017